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Weekly Recap


Blockchain Sports Ecosystem Highlights

This week, Blockchain Sports made significant strides across various projects, from Web3 innovations at WEBX 2024 to the launch of new partnerships and technologies like VR motorsports simulators.

Blockchain Sports Ecosystem Highlights

This week has been packed with exciting developments in the Blockchain Sports ecosystem, marking progress in both technological innovations and global partnerships.

One of the standout moments came from WEBX 2024 in Japan, where Atleta made a strong impression, surpassing 11 million transactions on the testnet. Football legends Marco Materazzi and Edmilson joined the event, adding star power and engaging with fans, further solidifying Atleta's growing presence in the Web3 space.

Blockchain Sports XR also took center stage, with CEO Dmitry Saksonov showcasing the revolutionary XR suit. This immersive technology is changing how we interact with sports by blending the virtual and physical worlds, offering users a completely new way to experience the excitement of athletics.

On the media front, new Photochain episodes were released, featuring exclusive interviews with football legends Ricardo Osorio from Mexico and Cristian Zaccardo from Italy. These interviews provide fascinating insights into their careers and personal journeys in the world of football.

We also announced a new partnership with Neuro Sport, an agency dedicated to helping footballers reach global success. Neuro Sport leverages advanced technology to identify and develop talent, ensuring athletes have the tools they need to excel at the highest levels.

For motorsport enthusiasts, our VR simulators are bringing fans closer than ever to the action. These advanced simulators allow users to feel the intensity of racing in a fully immersive environment, offering a groundbreaking experience that bridges the gap between real and virtual racing.

In addition, Atleta continues to make waves with its blockchain transparency initiatives, reshaping how contracts, scouting, and health monitoring are managed in sports. The technology is streamlining these processes, providing athletes and teams with greater trust and efficiency.

Our Atleta Testnet is also expanding, offering new features such as DEX, governance, and bridge options. These updates provide users with enhanced functionality and the opportunity to engage more deeply with the platform.

As we continue to innovate and push boundaries, we’d love to hear what excited you the most this week. Share your thoughts and join the conversation as Blockchain Sports evolves the future of sports and technology.


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