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O Grande Jogo


How Do You Select Players for a Team Without Seeing Them in Action?

In today's tech-driven world, selecting players can be done without seeing them play in person. With the help of digital passports, which contain crucial sports metrics, Blockchain Sports has introduced a new way to scout talent.

How Do You Select Players for a Team Without Seeing Them in Action?

In the ever-evolving world of sports, the way we scout and select athletes is changing. Gone are the days when a player's skills were judged solely by what could be seen on the field. Thanks to advancements in technology, we can now evaluate talent through digital passports, a system that provides detailed insights into a player’s athletic abilities without the need for live observation.

At Blockchain Sports, we’ve fully embraced this digital revolution. The participants of our reality show, O Grande Jogo, have been thoroughly digitized using cutting-edge equipment. By analyzing critical metrics such as running speed, reaction time, endurance, and ball-handling skills, we’ve captured a comprehensive picture of each player’s potential. These measurements offer a more objective evaluation, helping to ensure that every athlete is judged based on their true capabilities.

These key data points are stored in each athlete’s digital passport, which acts as their personal profile. These passports contain all the crucial information that coaches, teams, and scouts need to make informed decisions. The digital "scouts", represented by our ambassadors, use these metrics to form teams, removing any bias and focusing purely on performance data.

What makes this system even more exciting is that very soon, you’ll be able to explore these digital passports yourself. On the Blockchain Sports platform, fans and experts alike will have the opportunity to dive deep into the performance metrics of the O Grande Jogo participants. This level of transparency and insight is unprecedented in the world of sports, and it’s a step toward making talent selection more accessible and data-driven.

This approach is not just a game-changer for how teams are built, but it’s also a glimpse into the future of sports, where technology plays an integral role in discovering and nurturing talent. We’re not just selecting players; we’re paving the way for a new era of sports where data, precision, and fairness lead the charge.


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